Coach Education

Coach Education​:

Empower coaches for a brighter future! Our initiative enhances coach employability, guiding players to professionalism. India’s sole residential academy for girls scouts talents from humble backgrounds with 70 boys and 10 girls. Join us – with your support, 50 student-athletes can realize their aspirations. Our goal for the next academic year is to cultivate a pool of 150 athletes through our scouting program.

Increasing Employability of Coaches through Education:​

This initiative focuses on enhancing the employability of coaches by providing them with educational opportunities. By investing in their learning and professional development, we aim to equip coaches with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles, ultimately contributing to the overall improvement of coaching standards.

Upskilling Sports Coaches for Player Development:

Our commitment extends to upskilling sports coaches to not only train talented players but also nurture them into professional athletes and responsible citizens. This dual approach aims to create well-rounded individuals who not only excel in their sport but also contribute positively to society.

Ensuring Career Progression for Football Coaches:

We are dedicated to ensuring the career progression of football coaches by offering a well-defined career pathway. This involves providing opportunities for skill development, mentorship, and advancement within the coaching profession. This comprehensive approach is designed to support coaches in reaching higher levels of expertise and leadership in their football coaching careers.

What have we accomplished under coach education?

1 +
hours of training.
1 +
coaches trained.
1 +
Licensed coaches.
1 +
coaches employed.
1 +
Supported coaches
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