privacy policies


Welcome to the Indian Football Foundation’s website (“Website”). This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, utilize, disclose, and safeguard your personal information in compliance with the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP Act). By accessing or using our Website, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect

Personal Information:

  • We collect personal information you voluntarily provide, including:
  1. Name.
  2. Email address.
  3. Contact number.
  4. Username (if applicable).
  5. Location data (with your consent).
  6. Financial information (for donations or merchandise purchases).
  7. Any other information you choose to share.

Automatically Collected Information:

  • We may automatically collect:
  1. IP address
  2. Browser type
  3. Device information
  4. Usage patterns (through cookies and similar technologies)

Use of Information

  • We use your information for the following purposes:
  1. Providing Services: Fulfill your requests, respond to inquiries, send newsletters/updates. (Consent/Contract)
  2. Website Improvement: Analyze usage, personalize content, enhance user experience. (Legitimate Interest)
  3. Marketing: Deliver targeted promotions and relevant content (with your explicit consent).
  4. Legal Compliance: Adhere to laws and regulations (including the DPDP Act).

Data Sharing

  • We may share your information:
  1. With your consent: For specific purposes disclosed at the time of consent.
  2. With service providers: Who assist us in providing services, bound by confidentiality agreements.
  3. For legal reasons: If required by law or legal process.

Data Security

  • We implement reasonable security measures to protect your information, including:
  1. Encryption
  2. Access controls
  3. Regular security audits
  4. Incident response procedures

Data Retention

  • We retain your information for defined periods based on the purpose and legal requirements. Upon expiry, we securely delete it.

Cross-border Transfers

  • If we transfer your information outside India, we ensure a legal basis and safeguards exist.

Profiling and Automated Decision-Making

  • We may use these for personalization or marketing, with transparency and safeguards, respecting your rights to object.

Your Data Subject Rights under the DPDP Act

  • You have the right to:
    1. Access: Request details about your personal data and its usage.
    2. Rectification: Correct any inaccuracies in your information.
    3. Erasure: Request deletion of your data under specific circumstances.
    4. Restriction: Limit how your data is processed.
    5. Objection: Oppose certain data processing activities, like targeted marketing.
    6. Portability: Receive your data in a portable format.
    7. Consent Withdrawal: Withdraw your consent for data processing at any time.
    8. Complaint: Lodge complaints with the Data Protection Board of India.

    Contact us at to exercise these rights.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

  • We use cookies for website functionality, analytics, and personalized ads. You can manage cookie preferences through your browser settings.

Children's Privacy

  • Our website is not directed towards children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13.


  • We may update this policy. Review it periodically for changes.

Contact Information

  • For any questions or concerns, please contact us

By using our Website, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

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